Index for embassies, missions & consulates in & of Italy

A thru B - Italian Embassies Worldwide -Alphabetically By Host Country A - B  - Albania thru Bulgaria

C thru F - Italian Embassies Worldwide -Alphabetically By Host Country C - F  - Cameroun thru France

G thru K - Italian Embassies Worldwide -Alphabetically By Host Country G - K  - Gabon thru Kuwait 

L thru P - Italian Embassies Worldwide -Alphabetically By Host Country L - P - Latvia Thru Portugal 

Q thru Z - Italian Embassies Worldwide - Alphabetically By Host Country Q - Z  - Qatar thru  Zimbabwe 

Foreign Embassies & Consulates In Italy - Click Here  - Embassies of other nations to Italy

Map & Rescources for Italy - Click Here - Includes Map, telephone directory, weather, resources, links.